Privacy Policy

Effective Date: November 20, 2022

Insight Reach values the privacy of our affiliates, customers, and visitors to our website, As a provider of web-based technologies, we strive to employ practices that ensure information collected about affiliates, customers, and visitors is used conscientiously and appropriately.

This Privacy Policy Statement outlines the use of personally identifiable information collected on the website. Please note that this privacy notice does not cover other websites referenced by us in print, online, or in an email.

What information is collected on the website?

Generally, the information is used to help us better serve our affiliates and customers.

General visitors: We collect information for internal marketing purposes about pages that visitors browse. This information does not contain email addresses.

Affiliates: We collect personally identifiable information about affiliates who provide their information on web pages that are specifically designed to collect membership information, such as online questionnaires, resume submissions, job postings, and applications for membership.

Do we use “cookies”?

A “cookie” is a packet of information that a web server sends to a user’s computer to identify that specific user the next time he or she visits the site. Our use of “cookie” technology is restricted to our message boards and chat software. For the message boards, the technology is used to confirm access rights for users. For chats, the cookie technology is used to identify a previous visitor.

How do we use information collected on the website?

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our website, enhance the value of our products, and communicate with affiliates and customers as follows:

Insight Reach, its elected leaders, and its affiliated components have access to membership information for purposes of communicating with affiliates and furthering the mission of the organization.

Insight Reach may make address information available to external organizations for purposes of providing affiliates relevant information. Such information does not include email addresses.

Any request by an external organization or affiliated component of Insight Reach for a mailing list of affiliates must be approved on a case-by-case basis, and the organization must agree that the information will only be used for the specifically approved communication.

Insight Reach may make educational session participant contact information available to corporate partners and individuals serving as faculty at educational programs.

Affiliates and others granted login access to the Affiliates Only Area of Insight Reach may access individual affiliate information that affiliates choose to include in the online Affiliate Directory.

Recruiters and other users may access affiliate resumes and contact information that individuals have chosen to include in the online Insight Reach Resume Bank or Application Tracking System.

Insight Reach may contact affiliates and customers about events and opportunities.


How may affiliates or customers opt-out of receiving materials?

Any affiliate or customer who does not wish to be contacted by us or an organization with which we might otherwise share contact information may let us know by sending an email to [] or by using the contact information below. Affiliates and customers may request to opt-out of specific email communications from Insight Reach or request an overall opt-out of both mail and email communications (with the exception of basic membership and dues renewal mailings). Additionally, affiliates may manage their personal information in the online Affiliate Directory and choose what information will be accessible there.

How may affiliates or customers review their information or request a change of information?

Affiliates and customers may update their information by sending an email to [] or by using the contact information below.

How may affiliates, customers, or visitors request information about the security of Insight Reach?

We have reasonable security measures in place at our physical facilities and on our web server to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information collected from affiliates, customers, and visitors.